~ Team ~
Prof. Dr. Jörg Stülke
Professor of Microbiology
- Head of the Department of General Microbiology
- Research interests: Control of carbon metabolism, RNA degradation, protein-protein interactions, Mycoplasma, biofilm formation, cyclic nucleotide signalling
- Publications
Dr. Fabian Commichau
Group-leader at the Department of General Microbiology
- Research interests: Nitrogen metabolism, evolution, acquisition of suppressor mutations, mutagenesis, pathway engineering, synthetic genetic switches.
- Publications
Dr. rer. nat. Josef Altenbuchner
Group leader at the Institute for Industrial Genetics, Stuttgart
- Research interests: Carbon metabolism, biotechnology,development of genetic systems
- Publications
Prof. Dr. Uwe Völker
Professor for Functional Genomics
- Head of the Department of Functional Genomics, Greifswald
- Research interests: Systems biology, proteomics, stress responses
- Publications
Dr Ulrike Mäder
Group leader at the Department of Functional Genomics, Greifswald
- Research interests: Systems biology, transcriptomics, regulatory networks, RNA mediated regulation
- Publications
Daniel Reuß
PhD student
In the minimal genome project, I am concentrating on the large-scale deletions. Thus, the deletion regions have to be identified based on our comprehensive list of the final MiniBacillus strain. The respective deletion plasmids have to be designed in silico, including data from SubtiWiki and SubtiExpress, the construction has to be performed and finally transformed into the most recent strain. In addition, I am taking care of the maintenance of the project, including strain stock, data collection and genome sequences.
Anika Klewing
PhD student
In the minimal genome project, I am responsible for the genomic defragmentation. We started with the deletion of large genomic regions. However, the regions are becoming smaller and the deletion efficiency decreases. One way solve this problem is to cluster essential genes together in one region. This would allow the deletion of a higher number of unnecessary genes in one step. It also gives the opportunity to cluster functional related genes together.
Bingyao Zhu
PhD student
In the minimal genome project, I am responsible for the data processing and visualization. In the future, we want to build up a data collection of Minibacillus based on our community-driven platform SubtiWiki and as well as our integrated database cluster.
Previous team members
Dr. Christopher Zschiedrich
Richard Egelkamp
Dr. Raphael Michna